Saturday, July 7, 2012

i'm sorry

first of all i mntak maaf sngt2.. hubungan kiter x dpt diteruskan lg.. there is too many problem between me and you.. kiter saling salah menyalahi sesama sendiri.. hbungan kiter x de give and take.. how can we survive if we always fighting like this? how it gonna be a good ending? many question in my mind now.. do you really love me? i'm not sure of that.. you are really change.. let me end all of this.. so no one of us will continues hurting each other.. i thought when we become in a relationship back.. we gonna start a new life.. but i was wrong.. we never change to a better.. x de sape2 yg slah dlm hal nie.. it's just we cannot continue like this.. maybe fate have written this.. you are not belong to me.. and i not belong to you.. thanks for everything, sorry for everything.. i have think about this.. i dnt want to hurt you anymore.. let's it end.. i'm sorry.. we can still be friend if u want too.. take care..